Klackulator Overview (Eurorack)

What is a Klackulator?

The Klackulator is a CV mixer, made up of attenuverters and precision adders, designed to be a companion to the Klacking Keypad. However, the Klackulator does not need the Klacking Keypad to function and is not an expansion module. It may be used for mixing and attenuverting CV signals from any modules in your rig.

Why Did I Make the Klackulator?

I found that I had assigned a couple of simple utilties exclusively with my Klacking Keypad to get the live interactive results I was after. Attenuverters and precision adders. So I created the Klackulator to put this extra functionality into one module that was designed to be hands on, and easily interface with the Klacking Keypad.

Basic Functions

The illustration above represents the signal path of one row of inputs.

The Klackulator consists of 9 attenuverters that are fed into three separate precision adder circuits. Each row of inputs has three attenuverter inputs and one direct input. The direct inputs were added to send an unaltered signal to be altered by the Klacking Keypad. A simple example would be shifting a sequence up or down. Putting a sequence into the direct input sends the signal into the adder path and to the output. The sequence will pass unchanged to the output until another signal is introduced through one of the attenuverter inputs.

Each attenuverter is controlled by a potentiometer. When a potentiometer is fully clockwise, the input signal is passed through at 100%, at 12 o'clock 0% of the input signal is passed, and fully counterclockwise, the input signal is passed at -100%.

The Klackulator has 4 possible output options, which depend on if a patch cable is plugged into each output. In the illustration above, outputs with a patch cable plugged in are represented with a red cable.

Outputs 1 and 2 are normalled to their following outputs to give the user the option of using all three outputs, with 4 inputs each; outputs 2 and 3 with 8 inputs and 4 inputs; or output 3 with all 12 inputs.